Rock is a landscaper’s best friend. Why? Because it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to add depth, texture, interest, height, and (best of all) maintenance-free interest to your property. It’s easy to find, comes in a million different types, and simple to install. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to put rock on the ground, but it does take a little expertise to know how to make it look truly stunning.
Whether you’re using larger rocks and boulders or smaller pebbles and stones, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can easily look like a meteor shower just fell onto your front lawn. These ideas help you use rock to your advantage to create a beautiful and natural addition to any outdoor space.
Rocks are a fantastic way to dress up a yard without creating more maintenance. You can use rocks to add interesting artistic flair in and around flower beds or walkways to create stunning effects. The best way to do this is by using stark contrasting colors in interesting patterns. Separate rocks with strong metal liners that create barriers without being seen at the surface.
Rocks are a great way to add decorative edging to flower beds or gardens. If you’re using rocks for edging, it’s best to choose rocks that are large enough that they won’t slide or shift easily. Be sure to dig around the bedding area so the rocks set at a depth that is approximately half of their height. This is the best way to make rock edging look more natural and beautiful.
Rocks are a great way to add functional drainage areas that are also beautiful. Bring in larger boulders to line the pathway and fill with river rocks and smaller pebbles. This technique keeps the flow of the water moving away from anything that can experience damage. Make sure the rocks you use are big enough that they won’t clog the drainage area but small enough that they won’t settle and flood other areas of the yard.